What is User Experience?
The user is at the heart of this analysis process, and it is crucial to understand them from every angle in order to offer an experience that best meets their needs and expectations, whether they are explicit or implicit. Often, we think we understand the user, and many aspects of their motivations and needs are taken for granted, which may not always be true. The problem arises when we encounter these inconsistencies during the project, by which point the development team is already at work. At this stage, changing the project to meet the newly discovered needs of the user can increase costs and timelines, potentially jeopardizing the project's success.
To avoid this situation, we have developed our internal methodology for analysis and assessment, aiming to:
Understand the users in detail for whom the product/service is intended;
Identify the problem that needs to be solved;
Define the proposed solution;
Map out the user's interaction flows.
This UX analysis process begins with a benchmarking step to explore the market, focusing on competitors and the current state of existing solutions. The user is consistently involved in the process, both internally through brainstorming sessions and idea creation, and externally through direct interviews, conversations, and testing. This allows us to validate the assumptions made at the start of the project and gather direct feedback from the users involved.
Only later do we define potential solutions and identify the best one to explore further.
Another key element of our UX analysis is the iterative and collaborative approach: the client is actively involved in multiple sessions, and the analysis is carried out together. This allows us to step back and revisit certain phases if necessary, to gain deeper insights.
The time spent on this analysis phase is not an expense but an investment that will pay off during development, avoiding unforeseen delays and costs.
This tool ensures that nothing is left to chance or approximation: we challenge the core reasons and fundamental problems of users to build, together with our clients, a stronger foundation for a truly successful collaboration.
Phase 01: Analysis
Brief and analysis / User research / Benchmarking
Phase 02: Solution research
Benchmarking (solution research) / User personas, Epics, Flow / List of solutions / Solution validation / Fit
Phase 03: Functional requirements
Definition of roles and permissions / User stories / Breakdown of requirements
Phase 04: Design
Wireframe e UI / User test / Prototipo - POC
Extra: Operation Analysis
Framework analysis / Tool analysis (GDPR) / Budget analysis

Collaborative and Iterative UX Methodology
A key element of our User Experience is the iterative and collaborative approach throughout this process. The client is involved in multiple brainstorming and idea creation sessions, allowing the analysis to be carried out hand in hand. Additionally, the importance of validating assumptions ensures that we move forward only when fully aware, avoiding blind decisions and approximations.
The time spent in this analysis phase is not an expense but an investment that will pay dividends during development by saving time and avoiding extra costs to address unforeseen issues.
Our UX Analysis allows us to leave nothing to chance. We challenge the fundamental problems faced by users to build, together with our clients, stronger foundations for a truly successful collaboration.
Our UX analysis allows us to gather insights directly from the people who will use the designed solution.
With this tool, we achieve greater confidence and awareness on the topic at hand.
Studying users, engaging with them, and analyzing the market help us validate a series of assumptions that are often taken for granted but may not be accurate.
Discovering in detail what is truly necessary and important for users enables us to start a software development project with a higher level of awareness. This leads to better operational efficiency, fewer problems and delays, and ultimately, time and resource savings for our client.